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What is Biometric ? how biometric works and its features?



What is biometric?

The word Biometric is derived from the Greek word (Bio- A word of life) and (metric- A Measurement of life), It means physical or behavioral human characteristics that can be used to digitally identify a person to grant access to systems, devices, or data is called biometric

History of biometric:

The term biometrics means , we draw a picture of the fingerprint in the back of our mind, but, originally biometrics is a term related to our human body itself. The original term “Biometrics” actually refers to measurements and different sorts of calculations that are related to the human body. It is the measurement of human characteristics in a matrix form. Biometric measurements are unique and irreversible depending on their types. This is why in modern-day identification biometrics measurements ensure maximum efficiency.

The history of Biometrics originated back in 1981 to identify criminal’s fingerprints to be analyzed and stored. Since then, this practice happens all over the world. However, now biometric authentication has just not become important, but a welcomed in all aspects of our lives.

Breaking the barriers of use in only for criminal identification, biometrics has now evolved to personal security level and reached to cloud computing as well. Biometrics helps us change our lives reforming manual tasks into automation and providing that extra layer of security. It is not only affecting our lives only as an individual but also as a community, and even as a species in the environment.


 Types of biometric:

Before biometric measurement use to be only for fingerprint and now  different parts of our body such as finger vein, palm vein, iris scan, voice recognition, facial recognition, brain waves, heart signals, DNA identification, and behavior biometrics.

  Finger biometric:

Biometric Fingerprint attendance systems are replaced by card punching and manual registers. Every person's fingerprints are different and unique, so these Biometric Fingerprints have become popular. It made management work easy as these systems can find duplicate proof. 

Palm biometric:

Palm Biometrics are used to scans palms to verify each employee. As it is very easy to use it has huge demand for Security departments. As it is most accurate Biometric which can not be changed or malfunctioned. It works accurately even for aged persons and wet hands.

Iris biometric:

Iris Biometrics means it captures our retina and unique patterns of one or both iris and retina, and stores it in high resolution. Iris Biometrics are widely used in more restricted areas where security is on high priority  like Airports, Aviation, Hospitals, Govt Research Centers and for Aadhar.

Voice recognition biometric:

Voice biometrics means  using a person's voice as a unique identifying specific person in order to authenticate them. It  also improves the customer experience by removing unnecessary    login processes and lost and stolen credentials.

 Face biometric:

Facial Biometric means it captures each person's unique facial expression with an inbuilt algorithm and stores it in the device. It is proved as very successful in many industries. Face Biometric is one of the most secured forms of biometric authentication system.



Brainwave biometric:

As  there are many types of biometrics  To overcome the duplicacy of  password fraud in many smartphones including fingerprint scans, facial recognition,  and other biometric systems. The problem  with these tools is that once they are hacked you cannot reset them. So to overcome these problems  there is  a technology called brain wave biometric where they are  developing a password that measures your brainwaves in response to a series of pictures. Like a password, it’s easy to reset,  and like a biometric, it’s easy to use.”

How the brainwave biometric works?

Users will be shown the three images in the succession it takes 1.2 seconds to be exact. This process is repeated three times. At the end of the fourth time that is after 4.8 seconds, the brain password is ready.


Heart signals biometric:

The signals of  ECG is the reflection of mechanical movement of the heart, those features contain individual physiological information it makes them an optimistic authentication technology.


DNA identification biometric:

 Biometrics is the  technologies that measure and analyze human body characteristics, like  DNA, eye retinas, fingerprints,  voice patterns, facial expressions and measurements of hand, for authentication purposes. ... That's why DNA Biometric is essential to make for best recognition  and does not change during a person's life or after his/her death.



 behavior biometrics:

Research tells that using of Smartphone sensors and access to extract some of the  behavioral attributes such as touch dynamics, keystroke dynamics and gait recognition.  This is known as behavioral biometrics 



 What is touch dynamics?

Touch dynamics biometrics refers to the process of measuring and assessing human touch rhythm on touch screen mobile devices

What is keystroke dynamics?

Keystroke dynamics means information that describes when exactly each key was pressed and when it was released as a person is typing at a computer keyboard.

What is gait recognition?

Gait recognition means a video of human, which is processed by a computer vision, to identify a person activities such as their body shape and walking style



How Biometric Works?

Biometric means time and attendance systems which uses the fingerprints of employees to check who is actually checking in and checking out of work each day. It scans the finger of the employee, first  coordinates are determined and after that  the system maps the endpoints and intersections of the fingerprint.


If the particular person details are not registers in the system, that person will not be able to access the biometric system to check in and check out of the work each day.
